"Summertime Reveries" Coming Soon


Summertime Reveries

Beautiful memories engraved in the heart.

Summertime Reveries will be officially available on 6/25 11:00 (UTC+9)!

"Summertime Reveries" Coming Soon

Event Period: 2023/6/25 11:00 - 8/3 04:00 (UTC+9)

Unlock Reveries to obtain the Namecard, exclusive Invitation Background, Tears of Themis, and other rich rewards. Enter the "Event - Summertime Reveries" event page to complete Reveries Tasks and obtain Reveries EXP, increase Reveries level, and receive the corresponding level rewards.

1. Regular Reveries

- Regular Reveries will be unlocked for free after version update.

- Reach Reveries level 30 to receive Reveries Discount Coupon. Use it in the next Version Reveries to enjoy a discount.

2. Tiered Pass

- Purchase the Tiered Pass to unlock all of its contents. Reach a designated level to claim the exclusive Invitation Background "Natural Beach," Tears of Themis, S-Chips, and other generous rewards.

- Purchase "Summertime Reveries" to unlock Tiered Pass and Pass Rewards. Pass Rewards include Reveries EXP ×1,500 (increases Reveries level by 15), Tears of Themis, "Reveries - Summertime" Namecard, and other rewards.

- For Attorneys who have already purchased the Tiered Pass, you can also purchase the Pass Rewards separately if desired.

- Attorneys who have obtained the Reveries Discount Coupon in Sandy Reveries will automatically enjoy a discount when purchasing the Tiered Pass or Summertime Reveries.

- Purchasing Reveries will count towards your Total Purchases progress.

3. Invitation Background "Old Streets at Night" Permanently Available in Cosmetics Shop

Starting 2023/6/25 11:00 (UTC+9), "Lanternlight Reveries" Invitation Background "Old Streets at Night" will be permanently available for purchase on the "Mall - Cosmetics - Background" page.