✦ Masterpiece of Seasons ✦ Limited-Time Event Preview


Hand in hand, we'll paint our future.

"Masterpiece of Seasons" Limited-Time Event Preview
Event Period: 2022/11/1 11:00 - 11/11 04:00(UTC+9)
Unlock Requirements: Complete Main Story 02-28
Event Access Point: Main Game Screen - tap on "Masterpiece of Seasons" to enter event

Event Details:
1. Complete "Masterpiece of Seasons" Event Story Tasks to obtain the Commemorative Badge.
During the event, proceed to Orchidshine - Von Hagen Estate and follow the instructions to search for sudden events. Complete Marius' Personal Story Main Tasks to receive S-Chips. Complete "Masterpiece of Seasons" Event Tasks to obtain the event exclusive Commemorative Badge "Colorful Painting Badge," Tears of Themis, and other rewards.
"Masterpiece of Seasons" event story and tasks will be released in phases. The release time is as follows:
-11/1 11:00(UTC+9), Phase 1 Tasks available
-11/4 11:00(UTC+9), Phase 2 Tasks available
※After the event ends, you may experience the "Masterpiece of Seasons" story again at Phone - GPS - Marius' Personal Story - Sweet Chapter. Event tasks will no longer be available after the event ends. The "Masterpiece of Seasons" story cannot be replayed.

2. Complete Event Daily Tasks to obtain random skill upgrade materials for Marius' cards.
During the event, Attorneys can accept and complete Event Daily Tasks to obtain random skill upgrade materials for Marius' cards. Note that only Marius cards can be used for debate tasks. 4 new random Event Daily Tasks will be refreshed every day at 04:00.

1. Personal Story Main Tasks and Event Daily Tasks will be automatically accepted upon entering the event. Attorneys may locate the corresponding Tasks using Track Target.
2. The green arrows marked on the interface and the green square in the map shown on the top right corner of the event panel are accessible signs. You can travel to another zone via these.