[HoYo FEST FAQ] Malaysia - myBurgerLab MyTOWN


1. How long will HoYo FEST last?

Honkai Impact 3

5th November - 16th November, 2021

Tears of Themis

19th November - 30th November, 2021

Genshin Impact

3rd December- 14th December, 2021

2. Where is HoYo FEST held?

HoYo FEST is only held at myBurgerLab branch MyTOWN

The detailed address is:

G-020, Ground Floor, MYTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE, No.6, Jalan Cochrane, Seksyen 90, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

3. How do I enter the event venue by transport?

You may use the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) to arrive at the Cochrane MRT Station.

MyTOWN Shopping Centre is directly opposite the station, where myBurgerLab MyTOWN outlet is located.

4. How can I enter the restaurant to purchase merchandise or dine-in?

1) Only reserved guests are admitted.

2) Individuals over the age of 18 must be fully vaccinated, and display no symptoms upon arrival at the store.

Individuals under the age of 18 are not required to be fully vaccinated, but encouraged to receive 1 dose at minimum, and display no symptoms upon arrival at the store.

3) Reservation record and a minimum purchase of event set meals are required to purchase on-hand merchandise. Receipts are valid on the day.

5. When can I make a reservation?

Reservations can only be placed during the pre-order period of each game. Please note that reservations are limited:

Honkai Impact 3 Pre-order Period

27th October  - 3rd November  (while reservations last)

Tears of Themis Pre-order Period

12th November - 16th November (while reservations last)

Genshin Impact Pre-order Period

23rd November - 30th November (while reservations last)

6. How do I make a reservation?

Reservations can be placed via our myBurgerLab+ App (get.myburgerlab.com)

Please register for a myBurgerLab account to make a reservation for dine-in (a dining session lasts 45 mins), delivery or self-pickup.

7. Can I enter the restaurant without a reservation?

Unfortunately, for health and safety reasons, we do not allow any guests without a dine-in reservation to enter to avoid crowding. Due to limited seatings, guests who order take-outs or deliveries are not allowed to enter either.

8. Are there any restrictions on purchasing meals?

The number of set meals that can be reserved is limited by the table size (for example, only 4 set meals can be ordered for a table for 4).

9. Are there any restrictions on purchasing merchandise?

1) Guests who have reservation records and purchase event set meals can enter the restaurant to purchase or pre-order merchandise (please order set meals first and keep the receipt as a proof; the receipt is valid only within the same day). Splitting the bill is not allowed.

2) Due to limited stocks, customers are not allowed to purchase any duplicate items. Each customer is only allowed a maximum of 8 items to purchase.  Rules include: 

①For all Badges, 1 customer can purchase 3 (the Badges Set will be counted as 2 badges).

②For all Keychains, 1 customer can purchase 2.

③For all Acrylic Stands, 1 customer can purchase 1.

④1 customer can only buy 1 HoYo FEST Shikishi Board (off the shelf).

⑤For all the other merchandise items, 1 customer can purchase 1.

3) Merchandise items off the shelf will be sold from 11/19 to 11/21, starting at 10:00 AM everyday. The supplies of merchandise items are limited. We will limit the quantity of items available for each day (guests are welcomed to revisit the store to purchase an item that was previously sold out). If all items are out of stock, the restaurant will post announcements on their social media pages. If the merchandise items are still in stock after 11/21, it will be sold on the following day(s) until all are sold out.

4) The HoYo FEST Shikishi Board and Chibi Acrylic will be available for pre-order from 11/19 to 11/30 after ALL on-stock merchandise items are sold out. Each customer can pre-order max 1 HoYo FEST Shikishi Board and 1 HoYo FEST Chibi Acrylic.

5) Pre-orders are expected to arrive within 3-4 months after the end of HoYo Fest. Pickup offline (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), detailed address will be announced later. 

10. How do I get the gifts of HoYo FEST customized products?

Anyone who spends any amount will receive a HoYo FEST paper bag.

Every purchase of 20 RM will receive a HoYo FEST limited postcard. 

Every purchase of 100 RM will be rewarded with a set of chibi badges of a specific game. All gifts have limited inventory.

11. How do I get the gifts of set meals?

Order take-out or delivery of Honkai Impact 3rd or Tear of Themis event set meals, or spend a certain amount of money during the Genshin Impact phase, to receive a printed paper bag and cup holder (while stocks last).

12. Can I choose/pick a different set meal gift rather than the one offered?

Meal gifts (coasters, postcards, stickers) are pre-set, non-exchangeable, and non-transferable.

13. Can I enter the restaurant while cosplaying?

Yes, please do!

14. Is the café certified halal?

This means that all our ingredients are sourced from Halal suppliers only.

Furthermore, we do not use lard or alcohol in our cooking. Also, certificates are located at each of our outlets for customers to view.

15. What should I do if I have other questions?

Please contact us via Facebook & Instagram: 


