"Love in the Air" Limited-Time Rerun


Blossoms drift upon a gentle breeze.

From 2023/3/9 11:00 to 3/16 04:00 (UTC+9), "Love in the Air" will be available for a limited time!

"Love in the Air" Limited-Time Rerun

During the event, Attorneys can use S-Chips or Queen's Love Songs (obtained by purchasing the event packs in the Mall), to flip over cells and obtain past MR cards: Luke "Companionship," Artem "Intentions," Vyn "Promise," and Marius "Keepsake."

Event Rules

1. The previous game progress for unowned MR cards of the previous "Love in the Air" limited-time event will not be carried forward to the current rerun event.

2. During the event, you can play up to four rounds in total. Before each round, you can select one MR card as your final prize. You cannot change your selection.

3. During the event, you can spend 100 Queen's Love Songs to flip over a cell. If you do not have enough Queen's Love Songs, you can use S-Chips to exchange for more at a conversion rate of 1:1.

4. You will receive 1000 Stellin each time you flip over a cell. Cells that have already been flipped over will not be repeated. When there are five open cells in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you will receive S-Chips, Stellin, and other rewards.

5. When all cells have been flipped over, you will receive the MR card reward for the current round. You can then select the MR card reward for your next round and play again until you have played a total of four rounds.

※Advice from DAVIS

1. After this event ends, unused Queen's Love Songs will be converted into Stellin at a rate of 1:100. Please purchase packs reasonably.

2. MR card upgrade items can be obtained by exchanging Gift I in the Mall's Exchange Shop.